Lee Da In Istri Lee Seung Gi Umumkan Kehamilannya!

Lee Seung Gi dan Lee Da In

Lee Seung Gi dan Lee Da In mengumumkan bahwa mereka sedang menantikan kelahiran anak pertama mereka.

Pada tanggal 1 November, agensi Lee Seung Gi dan Lee Da In membagikan pernyataan resmi mereka tentang kehamilan mereka. Menurut keduanya, anak pertama mereka diperkirakan akan lahir pada Februari 2024.

Lee Seung Gi dan Lee Da In menikah pada bulan April tahun ini. Tujuh bulan setelah pernikahan mereka, Lee Seung Gi dan Lee Da In akan segera menjadi orang tua.

Berikut pernyataan resmi Lee Seung Gi dan Lee Da In:

Hello. This is Human Made.

We would like to reveal the good news about Lee Seung Gi’s family. A precious life has come to Lee Seung Gi and his wife. Lee Seung Gi is patiently and thankfully waiting for a new life to be born in 2024. We hope that you will send warm support and blessings to artist Lee Seung Gi.

We are beyond grateful to everyone who shows interest and love to Lee Seung Gi.

Agensi Lee Da In juga membagikan kabar baik:

Hello. This is 9ato Entertainment.

We are very grateful for the warm love and interest you have shown to our artist Lee Da In. We would like to convey the precious news that came to Lee Da In and her family.

A new life has come to actress Lee Da In. She will welcome this blessing in February of next year while being cautious of her health and stability.

We ask for everyone’s support and love to actress Lee Da In and the new blessing that has come to your family. We will continue to update you with good news.

Thank you.


Lee Seung Gi terakhir kali terlihat di K-drama The Law Cafe tahun 2022 bersama Lee Se Young, Oh Dong Min, Kim Nam Hee, Kim Seul Gi, dan Ahn Dong Goo.

Aktor tersebut kabarnya akan bergabung dalam film mendatang About Family. Dia juga akan membuat penampilan spesial dalam film Filipina Ma’am Chief: Shakedown in Seoul.

Lee Da In di sisi lain saat ini sedang membintangi K-drama hit My Dearest Part 2 bersama Namkoong Min, Ahn Eun Jin, Lee Hak Joo, Lee Chung Ah, dan So Yoo Jin.

Selamat kepada kedua pasangan tersebut.



Nama: Yunhan Jabatan: Penulis Total Post: 96 Website: https://hallyu.co.id

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